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Company Profile -Company-

At Eikou Co., Ltd., we provide our customers with prompt and honest service, from proposals, design, construction, and delivery for new projects to meeting a wide range of requests.

Company Name

Eikou Co., Ltd.


128-3 Ooba, Mihara-ku, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture

Date of establishment

October 13, 2017


NPO Pure Friends


20 million yen

Construction business license

▶License number: Osaka Prefectural Governor's License (Special-6) No. 149209 Civil engineering work, construction work, scaffolding and earthwork work, stonework work, steel structure work, paving work, dredging work, painting work, water facility work, demolition work ▶License number: Osaka Prefectural Governor's License (General-6) No. 149209 Plumbing work ▶License number: Osaka Prefectural Governor's License (General-4) No. 149209 Electrical work, telecommunications work

Secondhand goods dealer license

▶Osaka Prefectural Public Safety Commission No. 62217017311

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